2010年5月19日 星期三

Remote debug Android by adb tool

The default Android adbd is only listened on, so if the USB is not working on developing board, you can't use adb to do something.

The default setting on device, only listen

# netstat      
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address          Foreign Address        State
tcp        0      0*              LISTEN
tcp        0      0      ESTABLISHED

Following is the step to enable the remote adbd

# mv /dev/android_adb /dev/android_adb.bk
# setprop persist.service.adb.enable 1
# setprop service.adb.root 1
# setprop ctl.stop adbd
# setprop ctl.start adbd
# netstat

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address          Foreign Address        State
tcp        0      0*              LISTEN
tcp        0      0 *              LISTEN
tcp        0      0      ESTABLISHED

The Host machine which want to connect to remote Android device, you can use following command:
Ubuntu$export ADBHOST=
Ubuntu$./adb kill-server
Ubuntu$./adb devices
Ubuntu$./adb shell

2010年5月14日 星期五

Android source build problem on Virtual machine

You may install Ubuntu on Virtualbox, and use it to build Android source. When you build whole source code based on Android 1.6, you will not meet "too many open file" error when trying to build it. But when you run "repo sync" to update Android 1.6 to 2.1, you may meet this error.
This is caused by the small open file limitation on Ubuntu Linux system.
You can add following value into configuration file in /etc/security/limits.conf

jacky soft nofile 2048
jacky hard nofile 4096

This changing will let the user(jacky) can open files up to 4096.
Then the "too many open file" error will go out.

2010年4月21日 星期三

QQPinyin for Windows Mobile 6.5

Finally I found this great Pinyin input tool which can work fine on HTC Touchpro2 English ROM.
But first you must have chinese font installed in system, you can refer this link.
Although it is developed by China, but it also support BIG5 display by changing the default setting.
This is great tool which can work in pure English phone. I think this may help whom want to read/write chinese language in pure English Windows phone.

2010年1月10日 星期日

Howto: Build Android source on Ubuntu 9.10 need java 1.5

Now the java version on Ubuntu 9.10 is default as 1.6, but this version have problem to build Android.
The reason is mentioned in Android geting source page.
Following is a note from Internet to force install java 1.5.
My work Record: ubuntu 9.10 , build android , java 1.5

2010年1月4日 星期一

Android fontpack can be used on Windows Mobile 6.5

For some reason, I only can have Windows Mobile 6.5 english ROM for HTC Touchpro2 device.
I know there is a project called - Little bear studio(小熊工作室) which support chinese input method and chinese font for pure english Windows mobile device. But many people complain there are some issues on Windows Mobile 6.5, so I don't want to take a risk on my device. I look for a while from Internet, and some people suggest to use Android fontpacks which include Traditional/Simplied  chinese, Korea, Japenese font. Since I don't really need chinese input method on mobile, so I decide to install this package. (EVO Droid.zip). It works very well on my english Windows Mobile. It really can show chinese char when using browser, Outlook mobile, etc..
Hope you can enjoy this when you have same environment as me.

HowTo: Create a list of installed packages - Ubuntu Forums

HowTo: Create a list of installed packages - Ubuntu Forums
Recently, I have three Ubuntu host to develop something, but I always have to reinstall the necessary packages one by one when build system complain it needs some files.

Now I found a good solution to get the whole installed list and feed it to a fresh host, then I have some developing environment on three machine.

This is a great tip for me.

#dpkg --get-selections > installed-software (run on ready developing machine)

#dpkg --set-selections < installed-software (run on fresh machine, then followed by dselect)