I used following method to let this work by automatic. It only get changed files when remote FTP contents were changed.
1) Get a perl script(ftpsync.pl) writted by Christoph Lechleitner ( ftpsync at ibcl.at )
2) Add some output information to a file which will be used to send information
3) Install esmtp package into Linux System
4) Add a script into cron job at AM 2:00(Taiwan timezone)
/root/ftpsync.pl -g ftpserver=xx ftpuser=xx ftppasswd=xx ftpdir="/" /root/ftp
sleep 10
mount -t cifs -o username=xx,password=xx,codepage=cp950 //xx/SEShare /root/seshare
sleep 10
rsync -a /root/ftp/. "/root/seshare/"
sleep 10
cd /
umount /root/seshare
#Send notification email to cbu group
cd /root
domail=`cat /root/ttt.txt wc -c`
to='To: abc@c.d.e.f'
from='From: xyz@c.d.e.f'
subject='Subject: [News - xx] New update file in BulletinBoard'
echo $to > /root/mail.txt
echo $from >> /root/mail.txt
echo $subject >> /root/mail.txt
echo >> /root/mail.txt
cat /root/ttt.txt >> /root/mail.txt
if [ "$domail" = "0" ]; then echo "Don't send email if empty update"
cat /root/mail.txt | esmtp abc@c.d.e.f -f xyz@c.d.e.f
1 則留言:
Keep up this fine content, added to my personal internet explorer feed.